
Serverless GIS

Serverless GIS is aimed at providing an alternative access to easily manipulate and manage your geo-datasets. The tech-stack is made up of Serverless, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, Cognito, CloudFront, React, Mapbox GL and Antd.

Angular2-Ionic2 Template

An experimental project for presenting a standard mobile-app template based on IOS & Android platforms, by which users are able to explore features such like role-based authentication, SQLite CURD(offline - local database), Firebase CURD(online - realtime cloud) and native functionalities(file system, camera, etc.) in using TypeScript, Angular2, RxJS, Ionic2, Cordova, SQLite, Auth0, Firebase.


Telematics is a IoT & GIS-based cloud service that designed to solve problems existing in wireless vehicle management, safety communication, and the visual display of IoT-related data analytics. Techs and tools, such as React, Flux, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, MySQL, Java, ElasticSearch, Swagger, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Sketch, Webflow and Atlassian, were applied. I participated design and development of the client-side.

Tapio Wirkkala and Rut Bryk Archive

This project is a digital gallery for presenting the design legacy of Tapio Wirkkala and Rut Bryk (more than 3000 works). It belongs to Tapio Wirkkala and Rut Bryk Foundation. For more information, please visit this blog. I was hired to design the technical solution, prepare seed datasets and build the application.

Palkkaaminut Recruitment Channel

Palkkaaminut is an efficient and economical recruitment channel which is suitable for both job seekers and providers, and especially for shorter periods of employment. I cooperated with designers to create HTML mockups for its web service based on Craft CMS, jQuery and Bootstrap.

Fysios Healthcare Service

Fysios is a healthcare service for all the support and matters relating to physical activity in the body for more than 200 professional help. I participated the development of Fysios CMS which was built on Craft CMS and integrated with Knockout.js and Foundation on the client-side.

Witrafi Cloud CMS

Witrafi Cloud CMS is designed for monitoring and maintaining the backend of Witrafi Cloud Parking Service. I was responsible for the client-side's design and development. The main tech-stack is made up of AngularJS and Bootstrap. Other tools for project management and testing included Yeoman, Grunt, Bower, Protractor and Jira.


AuroraXplorer works with the travel industry by designing, marketing and selling their services to Chinese travellers, directly online, and through boutique travel agencies and other offline sales channels. I was working on the client-side of AuroraXplorer (a HTML5 hybrid mobile app) by using Ionic and AngularJS.

Witrafi Cloud Parking Service

Witrafi Parking Cloud is a comprehensive system which main functions are to show parking availability on streets and provide parking payments. It also handles parking permits, for example those supplied to city residents. The cloud platform is able to utilize information from many different real-time updating data sources. My main responsibility was to build a seamless client-server integration with AngularJS, jQuery, Witrafi's RESTful APIs, GoogleMap APIs and Solinor Payment APIs.

AngularFire-Ionic Live Chat

This project is a HTML5 hybrid mobile app of live chatting for both mobile and web platforms. It's originally designed for testing the real-time feature of Firebase and the performance of Ionic on mobile plateforms.

Finmeas Devices Monitoring Service

FinMeas Ltd is a Finnish measurement technology and service expert. This project is to develop a HTML5 hybrid mobile app (iOS/Android/WP) to monitor and maintain the status of measurement devices and detailed information of POIs managed by FinMeas’s Internet service. I was one of the project coordinators and my responsibilities were focused on proposing potential technical solutions, constructing mobile app mockups, managing the project and testing softwares before the final version of productions. AngularJS and Sencha Touch were used for mockups. Other tools included Jira, Bitbucket and Slack.

Aemdee Medical Online Service

Aemdee is a online communication channel between patients, doctors and other health care sectors. With Aemdee’s online service, doctors and health care sectors will be able to remotely monitor their patients’ condition and development. I got involved into design and development of Aemdee web service as a full-stack developer in using Ruby on Rails, BackboneJS, jQuery, D3js, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap and MySQL.
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